Severe weather

Ayrshire Roads Alliance (Emergency 24 hours)

We will assist as much as is practicable during severe weather events.

- This can include the provision of sandbags to properties in imminent danger of being flooded.

- Supply of sandbags will be prioritised as sandbag stocks are limited.

Contact us:

During office hours: 01563 503 160 

East Ayrshire out of hours: 0345 724 0000

South Ayrshire out of hours: 0300 123 0900

Winter information


Before each winter season commences, we conduct a review of the winter service and make alterations where appropriate.

 - Planned winter actions are undertaken by our Roads Maintenance Unit.

 - View  Frequently Asked Questions regarding our winter service provisions.   

 - Our annual Winter Service Plan [PDF 1.28mb] Contains full details of our winter maintenance service.

Gritter tracking

The Ayrshire Roads Alliance have implemented a  Gritter Tracking system

- Gritter Tracking provides details of out of hour winter service operations.

- Gritters can be viewed from 4:00pm on receipt of adverse weather forecast.

Gritting routes

Roads covered in our priority one gritting routes are gritted upon receipt of a weather forecast indicating the onset of frost, ice or snow provided the forecast is issued sufficiently early.

- This is usually carried out prior to the onset of adverse weather conditions.

- Priority two and three gritting routes are gritted as and when resources are available.

- Gritting routes can be viewed on our   Gritter Tracking System

Grit bins

Grit bins are located throughout East and South Ayrshire for your convenience. 

- Find your nearest grit bin, let us know a grit bin is empty or apply for a grit bin on our   Gritter Tracking system.


Flooding can have a devastating effect on people, property, business and land.

We work in partnership with the   Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) to provide flood prevention information, flood alerts and flood warnings to the residents of East and South Ayrshire.

Ayrshire Roads Alliance (Emergency 24 hours)

We will assist as much as is practicable during flood events.

- This can include the provision of sandbags to properties in imminent danger of being flooded.

- Supply of sandbags will be prioritised as sandbag stocks are limited.

Contact us:

During office hours: 01563 503 160 

East Ayrshire out of hours: 0345 724 0000

South Ayrshire out of hours: 0300 123 0900

View further information relating to  Flooding 

Winter Driving

Driving in winter weather can be challenging and dangerous if you're not prepared. It's important to make sure your vehicle is equipped with proper tires, such as snow tires or chains, and that you have enough antifreeze and windshield wiper fluid.

When driving in snowy or icy conditions, it's important to slow down and increase your distance to allow for more stopping time. Additionally, be sure to clear all snow and ice from your vehicle before driving, including your windows, mirrors, and lights.

Be prepared: Keep an emergency kit in your car and at home in case of power outages or other emergencies.

Stay alert and focused on the road: avoid sudden movements or sharp turns. By taking these precautions, you can help ensure a safe driving experience.

Handy resources for winter driving

Gritter tracking

Met Office

Police Scotland

Ready Scotland

Road Safety Scotland


Traffic Scotland

Contact Information 

Phone: 01563 503 160


Address:  Ayrshire Roads Alliance, Opera House, 8 John Finnie Street, Kilmarnock, KA1 1DD