Report a fault


Report an emergency fault

An emergency fault is defined as something that is very likely to present an imminent threat to life or serious injury or serious damage to property.

Contact us by phone if you are reporting an emergency fault that requires immediate attention:

East Ayrshire Council 0345 724 0000

South Ayrshire Council 0300 123 0900

Report a non emergency fault

To report a non-emergency fault please select and click on the appropriate icon to report your fault.

Please note our online forms are not monitored during evenings, weekends or bank holidays.

Roads Faults


Road markings 

Damaged road signs 

Damaged barriers

Lighting Faults

Street lights

Illuminated bollards

Illuminated signs

Drainage Faults


Missing drain covers

Missing drain grates

Blocked drains

Structure Faults


Costal protection structures

Traffic Light Faults

Let us know about faulty traffic lights.

Report an empty grit bin 

The Ayrshire Roads Alliance Gritter Tracking provides details of current winter service vehicles operating in East and South Ayrshire, as well as the location of grit bins. 

Report an empty grit bin by zooming into the map and selecting the relevant bin. 

Trunk road faults 

Transport Scotland, as an executive agency of the Scottish Government, is the roads authority for all Trunk Roads and Motorways in Scotland.They have appointed Amey as the trunk road operating company for the South West Scotland Unit and Connect Roads as the Motorway operating company.

Amey are responsible for carrying out all trunk road maintenance including the provision of winter service on the A76, A77 and A78 trunk roads in East and South Ayrshire.

Connect Roads are responsible for carrying out all maintenance including the provision of winter service on the M77 motorway in East Ayrshire.

Contact Information 

Phone: 01563 503 160


Address:  Ayrshire Roads Alliance, Opera House, 8 John Finnie Street, Kilmarnock, KA1 1DD




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