Flooding can have a devastating effect on people, property, business and land.
We work in partnership with the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) to provide flood prevention information, flood alerts and flood warnings to the residents of East and South Ayrshire.
Under the Flood Risk Management Act 2009 we have a duty to:
- Access the condition of watercourses for any risk of flooding to non-agriculture land.
- Cleanse, repair and otherwise maintain any watercourse which may pose a risk of flooding.
- Establish a local flood plan.
Please note: Although your Council is required to keep watercourses clear of obstructions such as fallen trees, it is does not have a duty to increase the capacity of a watercourse. Any responsibility in respect to increasing the capacity of watercourse lies with its owner.
Ayrshire Roads Alliance (Emergency 24 hours)
We will assist as much as is practicable during flood events.
This can include the provision of sandbags to properties in imminent danger of being flooded. Supply of sandbags will be prioritised as sandbag stocks are limited.
Contact us
Contact us
During office hours |
01563 503 160 |
East Ayrshire out of hours |
0345 724 0000 |
South Ayrshire out of hours |
0300 123 0900 |
Inspections and Actions
Flooding Inspections
Programmed Inspections |
If works of clearance or repair are identified during inspection, these are assessed and where no immediate action is needed we add this item of work to our schedule of clearance and repair works.
We publish our inspection schedule in each area:
Download our inspection schedule
Reactive Inspections |
We carry out reactive inspections if there is a flood event or someone highlights something of concern to us.
The Council does not have a duty to improve the standard of drainage systems of public roads, only to maintain them.
Many people wrongly believe that their Council or Ayrshire Roads Alliance is responsible for protecting their property from flooding. The Council has no statutory duties to prevent properties from flooding. The responsibility lies with the property owner.
Planned Actions |
All planned actions in New Cumnock are contained in the Solway Local Flood Risk Management Plan (LPD14)
All other areas within Ayrshire are documented in the Ayrshire Local Flood Risk Management Plan (LPD12)
The Mid Term Ayrshire Local Flood Risk Management Plan (LPD12) for 2019 is also available
External Organisations
External Organisations
Floodline |
Within Scotland Floodline is operated by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA).
It provides live flooding information and advice on how to prepare for or cope with the impacts of flooding 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The telephone service and website can be accessed by everyone but by registering, you can receive free flood messages for your area of interest direct to your phone.
When you are signed up to Floodline and flooding is forecast in your area, SEPA will send you a message by phone or text, advising that a Flood Warning or Flood Alert has been issued and where to go to find out more about the flooding situation.
Receiving advance notice of flooding means that you have time to prepare and reduce the impact of flooding on your life and your property.
Scottish Water |
Scottish Water is a responsible authority for flood risk management and is working closely with SEPA, local authorities and others to coordinate plans to manage flood risk.
Scottish Water has the public drainage duty and is responsible for foul drainage and the drainage of rainwater, run-off from roofs and any paved ground surface from the boundary of properties.
Additionally, Scottish Water helps to protect homes from flooding caused by sewers either overflowing or becoming blocked.
Scottish Water is not responsible for private pipework or guttering within the property boundary.
Scotland's Dynamic Coast |
The National Coastal Change Assessment (NCCA) aims to create a shared evidence base to support more sustainable coastal and terrestrial planning decisions in the light of a changing climate. |
Contact Information
Phone: 01563 503 160
E-mail: enquiries@ayrshireroadsalliance.org
Address: Ayrshire Roads Alliance, Opera House, 8 John Finnie Street, Kilmarnock, KA1 1DD