Blue Badge Parking
The Blue Badge scheme supports people who cannot easily get around by helping them park closer to their destination. Blue Badges are also known as disabled parking permits.
- Blue Badges are issued to either a disabled driver or a disabled passenger.
- They can only be used when the vehicle is being used to transport the disabled person.
- Badges must be displayed on top of the dashboard or facia panel of a vehicle.
It is not permitted to use the badge for any other purpose, for example, shopping for the disabled person when they, themselves, are not being transported in the vehicle.
If a parking attendant observes that a Blue Badge is being used by someone other than the actual badge holder, a fine will be issued for the appropriate offence, for example, parking without a valid ticket or parking on double yellow lines.
Apply for, or renew your Blue Badge online
Where to park with a Blue Badge
If you possess a Blue Badge you have the right to park within any East or South Ayrshire Pay and Display car park free of charge.
Vehicles displaying a valid Blue Badge whilst parked within an on-street Pay and Display bay or limited waiting area are exempt from any charges or time restrictions which may apply unless associated signage indicates otherwise.
Vehicles displaying a valid Blue Badge may also be parked on single or double yellow lines without time restriction provided there are no loading restrictions and they do not cause an obstruction to other road users or pedestrians.
Our handy guide contains information on what you need to know about parking with a Blue Badge
Parking with a Blue Badge [PDF 695kb]
Where a Blue Badge cannot be used
Vehicles displaying a valid Blue Badge cannot park in any of the following areas:
- Locations covered by a loading restriction during the period of the restriction.
- Where there are double white lines in the centre of the road even if one of the lines is broken.
- In a bus lane during its hours of operation.
- In a bus stop with clearway markings during times of operations.
- In a cycle lane covered by a relevant order.
- On Zebra, Pelican or Toucan crossings or their associated zig-zag markings.
- In areas reserved for specific users e.g. loading bays or taxi ranks.
- In a suspended parking bay.
- Where temporary restrictions apply along the length of a road.
- On school keep clear markings covered by a relevant traffic order.
- Locations regarded as likely to cause an obstruction such as:
At school entrances, bus stops, on a bend or near the brow of a hill or hump bridges.
Where it would make it difficult for others to see clearly e.g. close to a junction.
Where it would make the road narrow e.g. by a traffic island or where roadworks are in progress.
Where it would hold up traffic e.g. narrow stretches of road or blocking vehicle entrances.
Where emergency vehicles stop or go in and out e.g. fire station entrance.
Where the kerb has been lowered to form a pedestrian crossing point or driveway.
On a footway unless signs permit.
Contact Information
Phone: 01563 503 160
Address: Ayrshire Roads Alliance, Opera House, 8 John Finnie Street, Kilmarnock, KA1 1DD