Winter Resilience Groups - Guidance Notes
1. Volunteers carrying out footway gritting activities must not enter other volunteer’s households.
2. Good hygiene is essential, hands must be cleaned regularly, even when wearing gloves.
3. Avoid touching the nose, mouth or eyes with unwashed hands or with gloves.
4. Used tissues / paper towels should be disposed of within general waste.
5. High touch areas of equipment such as spreader handles, settings lever, bucket handles, and shovels, must be cleaned down regularly with antiseptic wipes and disposed of within regular waste. This is especially important at the start/end of the task and at changeover of volunteers.
Flood Watch
We are asking our Winter Resilience Groups if they would like to be a part of "Flood Watch"
Flood Watch is a new initiative introduced by Ayrshire Roads Alliance in which participating groups are asked to notify us of debris* within watercourses so we can avoid issue during exceptionally wet weather.
*any notifications of debris by our Winter Resilience and Flood Watch Groups will be dealt with by Ayrshire Roads Alliance operatives.
Contact Information
Phone: 01563 503 160
Address: Ayrshire Roads Alliance, Opera House, 8 John Finnie Street, Kilmarnock, KA1 1DD