Prestwick Residents Parking Permit

Strets within Prestwick are subject to 2 and 3 hour limited waiting and resident permit parking restrictions.

Prestwick Residents Parking Permit Map

If you live within Prestwick then you may be eligible for a Resident's Parking Permit.
1 year permit   £45.00 per permit
2 year permit  £80.00 per permit

Residents in the following named streets are entitled to purchase a maximum of two permits which will allow you to park without limit of time. 

Alexandra Avenue,

Boyd Street, 

Gardiner Street, 

Hunter Street, 

Kirk Street,

Kyle Street, 

Ladykirk Road,

Leslie Terrace, 

Salisbury Place, 

Station Road, 

St. Quivox Road.


Customers are advised to contact the South Ayrshire Council Customer Services Team for relevant advice:


Phone: 0300 123 0900 (Option 2 then Option 3)


Contact Information

Phone: 01563 503 160


Address:  Ayrshire Roads Alliance, Opera House, 8 John Finnie Street, Kilmarnock, KA1 1DD