East Ayrshire Council School Street Trial, Hurlford - survey results

We recently carried out a consultation to gather your views on the proposal for the implementation of a school streets trial in Academy Street and Union Street, Hurlford.

The consultation has been completed and the survey results summarised below:

Survey results


28 responses were collected:

How important is pedestrian safety compared to convenient parking options to you? 

Survey question 1

Answer Choices


Very important 









No opinion



Answered: 28

Response Total:



Do you think the removal of street parking will improve pedestrian safety? 

Survey Question 2

Answer Choices











No opinion



Answered: 28

Response Total:



What are your thoughts on the proposals to improve pedestrian safety? 

Survey question 3

Answer Choices


Very good









Very poor



No opinion 



Answered: 28

Response Total:


Survey comments

A redacted version of the survey comments is available to view. Predictably, comments vary depending on the perspective of the consultee and where they live within proximity of the proposed school street trial.


What are you concerns as a pedestrian when crossing in the area around Hurlford Primary School?
Survey comments

People parking blocking pavement access for people to be able to cross safely with prams and buggy’s, blocking dropped kerbs parking on pavements and being unable to get through with buggy so being forced to walk on roads with babies in prams (23/11/2023)

Inappropriate parking. Parents stopping on zig zags. Speed of traffic. 20 mph signs that flash in main road set at wrong times. (22/11/2023)

I have small children, people don’t indicate and just park anywhere. (21/11/2023)

Cars parked everywhere (21/11/2023)

Cars driving fast in and around the school and selfish/irresponsible parking including parking at/on the junction at Academy Street/Union Street making it very difficult to see clearly when trying to cross safely (21/11/2023)

Cars pulling in and out of on street parking spaces (20/11/2023)

Very difficult to cross the road with children with parked cars on both sides of the road at an already busy junction. (16/11/2023)

That cars are parked all around the school and it’s very busy between 8:45 and 9:00 and then from 2:45 until 3:10 especially when it’s raining. Some kids don’t cross with the crossing person and instead cross at the corner of the two streets, as cars are moving. Buses can find it challenging to get round the corner of cars that are parked there. Blocking in of car park at end of day so ECC staff can’t leave. (16/11/2023)

Cars double parking, cars parking on corners forcing you step onto middle of road just to cross over.  Car drivers scanning for spaces close to school slowly have no awareness of pedestrians. The cars make it impossible for kids to navigate crossing roads responsibly. (16/11/2023)

Cars in every direction trying to park and turn. (16/11/2023)

I have zero. The school is an old building and as a result the surrounding streets aren’t suitable for the volume of traffic it receives. However, forcing families to park away from school and walk across more roads with no crossing patrols, instead of the one with a crossing patrol is not a reduction in danger to pedestrians, it is the opposite. Families should not be penalised for having to drive to collect their children after work or if they live outside Hurlford. (15/11/2023)

Cars driving fast, people parking at school gates and on the junction making visibility difficult (15/11/2023)

Too many cars parked directly in front of the school (14/11/2023)

Cars driving past parked cars and not seeing children due to obstruction (14/11/2023)

The limited view to cross road safely due to number of parked cars.   (14/11/2023)

Too many cars parked and dangerous for crossing. (14/11/2023)

Congestion makes visibility poor (14/11/2023)

No traffic lights or lollipop person at the other side of the school. Also if you are removing all of the street parking where the bollards are just now then you should really consider putting more disabled parking spaces on the opposite side of the street as there is only 1 disabled space that is within the school carpark and people with no blue badges keep parking in it. (14/11/2023)

Children cannot cross the road safely because of parked cars. It's always very busy around the school and some people want to park as close as possible. (14/11/2023)

How busy it does get drop off and pick up times. Just not enough disabled parking close to the gates. So making it difficult to get space close enough. (14/11/2023)

Cars get backed up and visibility is poor at the crossroads which makes it difficult to cross as a pedestrian or proceed as a driver. However, the parking measures are making the build of traffic worse further up from the school, perhaps if the double yellow lines at the dentist and coop were removed this would be less of an issue. (14/11/2023)

My concern is the children crossing the road at the main office side of the school. There isn't a crossing or lollipop man at this side of the school. There is a crossing down at the co-op and the Hurlford Road. Then the lollipop man at the infant playground. So there isn't a safe crossing to the housing across from the main entrance. (14/11/2023)

The cars are parked too close to the school. (14/11/2023)


It is the officer recommendation that the Ayrshire Roads Alliance continue with the existing school street trial with a view of installing permanent arrangements at a later date.


Contact information 


Phone: 01563 503 160

E-mail: enquiries@ayrshireroadsalliance.org

Address:  Ayrshire Roads Alliance, Opera House, 8 John Finnie Street, Kilmarnock, KA1 1DD