East Ayrshire Council - School Street Trial, Hurlford

The Ayrshire Roads Alliance would like to hear your views on the implementation of a school streets trial in Academy Street and Union Street, Hurlford.

The school streets trials aim to promote safe walking and cycling spaces in the interest of road safety by placing permanent or temporary traffic calming measures in and around the vicinity of schools throughout East and South Ayrshire.


The measures implemented in Academy Street and Union Street, Hurlford include the placement of temporary bollards and the reduction of available parking spaces directly in front of school access zones.

We would appreciate your views on the implementation of traffic calming measures, to share your views please complete our short survey.

This consultation has closed, view the consultation results

Contact information 

Phone: 01563 503 160

E-mail: enquiries@ayrshireroadsalliance.org

Address:  Ayrshire Roads Alliance, Opera House, 8 John Finnie Street, Kilmarnock, KA1 1DD