Tourist Signposting
Tourism plays a vital role in contributing to the success of Ayrshire’s economy. Directing visitors safely to quality tourist attractions and facilities is key to their enjoyment of the area.
If you are the owner or operator of a tourist facility or attraction and wish to have brown tourist road signs erected to direct visitors to your destination you should;
- Contact Visit Scotland to ensure your facility or attraction is recognised by Visit Scotland and satisfies their quality assurance criteria *
- Determine which Road Authority you should apply to.
- If your property is accessed directly from the A76, A77 or A78 trunks roads you should contact Amey **
* Eligibility from Visit Scotland does not confer automatic entitlement to tourist signs. Many other factors have to be considered by the Road Authority including availability of space, existing sign provision, road safety considerations and sign clutter. Each application will be considered on its merits.
** Amey will advise you on how to apply for tourist signing on the trunk road network, they will also forward your application to the relevant local road authorities if you require signs on a local (Council) road as well.
Before considering an application Ayrshire Roads Alliance must have received all the required supporting documentation before the application is considered lodged.
It is in the public interest that the Ayrshire Roads Alliance must process your application before it can be granted.
Tourist Signposting - Application
Contact Information
Phone: 01563 503 160
Address: Ayrshire Roads Alliance, Opera House, 8 John Finnie Street, Kilmarnock, KA1 1DD