Pedestrian safety survey, Mauchline Road, Hurlford

The Ayrshire Roads Alliance (ARA) are considering proposals which would make changes to implement a one way traffic systen on Mauchline Road to improve pedestrian safety, particularly for children attending Hurlford Primary School.


We value your opinion and want to hear from you! Participating in our short survey will help us understand your thoughts on the proposed one-way system. The survey will help us understand:

-        Your awareness of the proposal.

-        Your experience with traffic issues on Mauchline Road.

-        How you typically use the road.

-        Your support for the proposed changes.

-        Any comments or suggestions you may have


Access the pedestrian safety survey to share your views


Please note this survey closes on Wednesday 24 July 2024

Contact Informtation 


Phone: 01563 503 160


Address:  Ayrshire Roads Alliance, Opera House, 8 John Finnie Street, Kilmarnock, KA1 1DD